Personal Year Number





Lucky numbers for 2010

Racing: 1, 5, 7

Lotto: 15, 22, 26, 29, 33, 40

Casino: Red




You may have to exercise considerable patience this year, a time of quiet waiting. Stay on an even keel and be ready to put up with delays or frustrations. Allow as much time as it takes for your plans to mature fully. Don’t make any drastic changes or sharp adjustments in the direction you’re following. This is a good year to form new friendships or renew old ones. Explore the possibilities of a permanent partnership with an acquaintance or friend you meet this year as it’s a good year for romance or marriage. Relate to others tactfully, diplomatically and especially in a spirit of harmony and cooperation. Be receptive to others’ ideas and willing to explore others’ viewpoints. Try not to take everything personally and avoid making mountains out of molehills, especially where family matters are concerned. Reduced energy may have you a little bored or lethargic with your daily routine. Money is adequate this year.

This is a year to clear up the small details around you and be kind to your family and friends. You may become softer and more receptive, and your focus will naturally turn toward partnerships and cooperation with others. It is time to seek out a person who will help you to crystallize your imaginings and work together in love and happiness. Listen to the advice of others you respect and always try to be diplomatic and patient. You may wish to spend time alone or to escape somewhere peaceful and secluded for a while to get your thoughts in order and establish some sort of routine. You may spend time going over things, cultivating and improving your options. You are not in a mood to be rushed or pushed into issues that upset your daily routine.

Time is on your side and your friendly mood will have an infectious quality around those you contact; someone may even touch off your sense of humour. Facts and figures, negotiable assets, savings and your earning capacity will interest you and this is a time to slowly build your finances. You will increase your knowledge and willingly undertake joint projects. Don’t expect rapid promotions or unexpected major changes at work as this is a hard-working year with a few little opportunities or rewards thrown in. Personal relationships should be emotionally balanced, but you must be willing to give and take and avoid possessiveness. A need for deep romantic involvement with a partner lures you to new beginnings and you may find yourself in a love relationship with someone very special to you. Sex, conception and creation may enter your destiny with great gusto this year. This is a great year for those who wish to start a family, teamwork and cooperation is emphasised.


What is my 2010 Personal Year Number?

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 11 ] [ 22 ]


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